Патч для PAYDAY The Heist (Update v1.6.0)

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Добавил: xXx 14.01.2012

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Патч для PAYDAY The Heist (Update v1.6.0)


Патч: Update 1.6.0
Описание: PAYDAY™ The Heist — это шутер от первого лица, в котором четверо закоренелых преступников, гонимые рвением сорвать очередной куш, раз за разом совершают налеты на различные предприятия. Вам предстоит участвовать в шести крупных ограблениях, в вашем распоряжении куча стволов и приспособлений, а за вашими плечами три матерых напарника под управлением ИИ или реальных игроков.

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- is bigger with the OVERKILL 145+ features etc but we wanted to get this one out fast for you guys.


- Fix for custom Nvidia Settings being reset by PAYDAY - Fix for Steam disconnect crash - Fix so you can play PAYDAY in Steam Offline mode - Fix for random crashes in Diamond Heist - Fix for Drop In disabling some interactions for the dropped in clients on Slaughterhouse. - Optimizations for more FPS.


- Features (because you asked for them)

* Filter servers by difficulty * Possible for server to allow/disallow drop-in * Possible for server to set a reputation limit for the server. Players with lower reputation then the set value will not be abe to join. * Possible for server to change permission, reputation limit and allow/disallow drop-in mid game from ingame menu.

- Bug fixes

* Fix for Bulldozer trying to do acrobatics such as jump over tables and crashing the game in the FW Bank.

- Minor bug fixes

* Fix for timers on devices (drill,saw and tablets) restarting on rare occasions * Fix for first character not being registered in chat input when chat is mapped to enter

- Improvements

* Increased the difficulty of hard and OVERKILL by tweaking some AI group logic * Enemy AI makes decisions faster * Enemies pause less when travelling long distances

- Added in-game drop-in ability - Added the "Find Xmas present" achievement - Heavily improved fighting and acting by team AI and enemies including the following features/fixes: - New events and enemy tactics on all levels - Team and enemies now pick better cover and firing positions, and use more intelligent firing lanes for suppression and sniping - Enemies now master additional acrobatic moves (such as dashes and slides) and they can fire at you while doing them! - More cover moves for team AI and enemies - Enemy AI move in tighter formations and coordinate better - Team AI now keeps up with human players much better - Smoother turn and aim on team AI, and reduced animation glitches on movements - Better looking weapon recoils on team and enemies - AI teammates now pick weapons that better suit the current combat situation - AI tweaked to make combat more mid-ranged and not run-in gun battles - Team AI no longer has "ants in the pants" (they don't move around so much) when there are no enemies around - Added advanced GFX settings menu, containing the following options: - Texture resolution setting ("very low" to "high") - Texture filtering "off" and up to x16 - V-synch on/off - AA on/off - Light streaks on/off - Animation level-of-detail setting for better performance - More suitable default resolutions to fit laptops etc. - AlienwareFX on/off (for Alienware computers) - Added eight color grade filters (inspired by a range of heist and action movies) - Added four new masks - Improved network code - Minor features/fixes: - Slaughterhouse and Diamond Heist are now available in the Normal difficulty setting - Single Player has improved scenario and difficulty balancing - Added more money bundles to First World Bank - The legendary ьber killer sniper removed from Heat Street - Teammate "mugshot" icons (lower left corner of the screen) now flash to indicate who is talking over VOIP - You can now see the cash value of the "near completion challenges" in the TAB menu - Fix to better hear team AI voices - Fixes for random crashes - Fixed the drill that kept resetting to full time for some people - Fixes for fake lobby appearing - Changed [Enter] to $Continue; to fix binding of enter to block the final stats screen. - More camera impacts on explosions - All weapons now have alert ranges, unique for each weapon - Chains is no longer replaced by Wolf on rare trade occasions - Bain will now correctly call the equipment "saws" (not "drills") in Panic Room - Some sounds (e.g. SWAT rappel sounds) no longer get stuck in a loop - All sounds are now connected to the sound sliders in the audio options menu - Added huge tooth brush to Panic Room

- Problems with BF3 drivers setting render frames to 3 instead of 1 on Nvidia cards (CAUSING MOUSE LAG,stuttering in your other games....) fixed and set back to 1) - New patch system to keep patches at 10-20 MB max. (sorry this is what took time and lots of testing) - Re enable voice chat (down while testing Push to talk) - Push to talk – now on mappable key – default is ON - Key mapping fixes and prompts - Crouch toggle option - Text Chat in End screen of Heist - Laptop over heating fixed - Reduced internet traffic for less de synch issues (will still be some for high ping clients) - Added STEAM server filter on range (close, far, worldwide) - Addressed a bug that disabled mouse in the ESC menu while in lobby - More frame rate for low end systems (laptops and 4-5 year old desktop computers) - Steam Community Message in the load screen - Single Player Pause (looping sounds loop though, but hey you got it) - Alienware command center fix (Fix black screen at start up) - Fix for random crash in game - Mute individual player in options - Mouse smoothing is removed and direct mouse input is in for faster response on low end computers - Bank AI is fixed with ALL special team animations now functional (amongst them the stoppage of team AI at the C4 wall is gone) - Made Team AI more aggressive and agile - Vsynch Auto (on/off next patch)

- All USB issues - RESOLVED - PhysX trouble - RESOLVED - PS3 button on Chavez - RESOLVED (just for you port guys...) - NEW FEATURE 1 - In LOBBY, show the amount of players WORLD WIDE on STEAM. - RESOLVED

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