Патч для Max Payne 3 - Update v1.0.0.55

Категория: Патчи

Добавил: xXx 29.08.2012

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Патч для Max Payne 3 - Update v1.0.0.55


Версия патча: v1.0.0.55
Тип патча: Официальный

Установить MP3_Patch_Update_1_0_0_55.exe, а после скопировать содержимое Crack в папку с игрой, соглашаясь на замену файлов.

Max Payne 3 has just been updated with new free content.

update nfo
Now Includes the free Disorganized Crime Pack for Max Payne 3 to battle above the streets surrounding Max’s old apartment in the new Hoboken Rooftops multiplayer map. This pack also includes several new modifiers for Score Attack in Arcade Mode including Explosive Rounds where all your bullets detonate on impact, Lone Wolf AI for much more aggressive enemies and Headshots Only where the only way to kill your enemies is with a bullet in the head.

Also, contains the Gorilla Warfare Pack that includes three items to customize your loadout in Max Payne 3 — the Gorilla Mask Item gives you extra adrenaline for melee kills from behind, the Lucky Coin Item give you extra cash when looting bodies and the Booby Trap item makes your corpse booby trapped so that it explodes when looted by another player.

Note: Add-on content for Max Payne 3. Regional age and location restrictions may apply

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