Magicka - Patch v1.3.6.3 + DLC's (официальный) (MULTI)

Категория: Патчи

Добавил: xXx 05.06.2011

Просмотры: 899

Загрузки: 104

Magicka - Patch v1.3.6.3 + DLC's (официальный) (MULTI)


Название игры: Magicka
Дата выпуска патча:
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Версия патча: Patch v1.3.6.3
Вшита (THETA)

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Fixed campaign chapter transition crash issue. Fixed crash in spellmanager, which occured whenever a player had all campaign magicks and was awarded a magick through scripted events. Fixed a rare IndexOutOfRangeException crash in StatusEffect.Update. Fixed a bug when restarting scenes which stopped the music from starting. Nullifying Summong Phoenix will now properly reset the Magick. Fixed issue with Khan’s leap attack landing infront of a shield resulting in a mad frenzy. Fixed 3d sound positioning for character statuseffects. Fixed bug where casting lightning on self would do the previously casted lightningspells damage. Fixed a crash when players used corporealize during bossfight in Chapter 6. Shields health can no longer go past its max health. Game should no longer crash in audiomanager during game shutdown. Fixed invisibility not breaking when attacking. Fixed panic when getting sprayed by steam. Characters will no longer get wet while walking in water and using a self shield. Characters are now able to walk on physicsobjects. Fixed a bug with Vlad reappering in the bossfight in Chapter 12. Fixed physics objects lightsource not disappearing after destruction or level restart. Fixed a crash that would occur when certain animations were missing. Other changes New Content notifier added to main menu. Server browser improved. Some challenges now support a default avatar when creating a new profile. Improved formatting and layout in leaderboards. Two new achievements implemented.

В патч так же входят вышедшие DLC (Wizard's Survival Kit, Vietnam, Marshlands, Nippon)

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Метки: Magicka, патч, Patch

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